Federation of Sustainable Development Organizations Member Directory
Welcome to the Federation of Sustainable Development Organizations Member Directory. The directory can be searched and sorted by type of organization, sustainable development goals and/or country.
Most organizations can be contacted via a website link or by using the “Email Entry” link, which will enable you to send a secure email.
If you would like to join the more than 2,000 members of the Federation of Sustainable Development Organizations, please use this Registration Form. Membership is free to all qualifying organizations, which includes NGOs, universities, government agencies and private sector enterprises that are supporting the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs).
If you already have a listing and would like to make a change or update, please use our Contact Us form.
Federation of Sustainable Development Organizations Member Directory
Welcome to the Federation of Sustainable Development Organizations Member Directory. The directory can be searched and sorted by type of organization, sustainable development goals and/or country.
Most organizations can be contacted via a website link or by using the “Email Entry” link, which will enable you to send a secure email.
If you would like to join the more than 2,000 members of the Federation of Sustainable Development Organizations, please use this Registration Form. Membership is free to all qualifying organizations, which includes NGOs, universities, government agencies and private sector enterprises that are supporting the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs).
If you already have a listing and would like to make a change or update, please use our Contact Us form.
Permaculture Timor-Leste (Permatil)
Permaculture Timor-Leste (Permatil)Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)Pertubuhan Pergerakkan Sivil Rakyat (People’s Civil Movement Organization)
Pertubuhan Pergerakkan Sivil Rakyat (People’s Civil Movement Organization)Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)Phelyn Skill Acquisition Center
Phelyn Skill Acquisition CenterNon-Governmental Organization (NGO)Phytosciences Consulting Gmbh
Phytosciences Consulting GmbhPrivate SectorPIFEVA (Pilier aux Femmes Vulnérables Actives en RD Congo)
PIFEVA (Pilier aux Femmes Vulnérables Actives en RD Congo)Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)Pikin-To-Pikin Movement
Pikin-To-Pikin MovementNon-Governmental Organization (NGO)PILDAT – Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development And Transparency
PILDAT – Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development And TransparencyNon-Governmental Organization (NGO)Pillar And Vision Foundation
Pillar And Vision FoundationNon-Governmental Organization (NGO)Piramal Swasthya Management And Research Institute
Piramal Swasthya Management And Research InstituteNon-Governmental Organization (NGO)Pkn Stan
Pkn StanCollege/UniversityPlanet X Inc
Planet X IncPrivate SectorPlaneteenfants Vulnerable
Planeteenfants VulnerableNon-Profit (Other Than NGO)Plataforma Ods
Plataforma OdsNon-Governmental Organization (NGO)Poka Health Care Foundation
Poka Health Care FoundationNon-Governmental Organization (NGO)Policy Analysis and Evaluation Bureau
Policy Analysis and Evaluation BureauNon-Governmental Organization (NGO)Population Media Center
Population Media CenterNon-Governmental Organization (NGO)Poverty Cure Foundation
Poverty Cure FoundationNon-Governmental Organization (NGO)Povod, Institute For Culture And Development Of International Relations In Culture
Povod, Institute For Culture And Development Of International Relations In CultureNon-Governmental Organization (NGO)Praja Chaitanya Yuvajana Sangam
Praja Chaitanya Yuvajana SangamNon-Governmental Organization (NGO)Praxis-Institute For Participatory Practices
Praxis-Institute For Participatory PracticesNon-Governmental Organization (NGO)Subscribe
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