Tag: United Nations

Leveling the Playing Field for Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

What is needed is focus on building resilient infrastructure, fostering innovation, and promoting inclusive and sustainable industrial growth.

Expo 2020: Opportunity, Mobility & Sustainability

Expo 2020, “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future,” will feature 120 country pavilions, more than 20 performance venues, over 60 events each day, and more than 200 restaurants.

Progress on Decent Work and Economic Growth

Continued economic growth, says the UN report, requires higher levels of productivity and technological innovation.

840 Million People Worldwide Have No Electricity

In addition to the 840 million people without electricity, the United Nations estimates that about 3 billion people worldwide rely on inefficient cooking systems that contribute to pollution.

Billions of People Lack Water and Sanitation Facilities

Worldwide, 785 million people lack access to basic drinking water, and 701 million lack basic sanitation facilities.

Gender Equality: The Path Toward a More Prosperous World

Gender equality, says UN Secretary-General António Guterres. is both a fundamental human right and a path to a more peaceful and prosperous world.

Quality Education Remains Elusive for Millions of Children Worldwide

The fourth sustainable development goal of the United Nations’ SDG initiative, is to provide quality education for students worldwide. Over the past decade

Uphill Battle To Provide Good Healthcare Worldwide

The private sector and industry groups in every sector will have to step-up in the coming decade to help the United Nations achieve its goal of improved healthcare worldwide by 2030.

Achieving Zero Hunger Goal Requires More Resources

Despite efforts to reduce hunger, the UN estimates that approximately one of every nine people in the world is under-nourished

World Lags Behind United Nations Goal To End Poverty by 2030

At its current rate, the world is not on track to achieve the target of less than 3 percent of the world living in extreme poverty by 2030.